The actor criticized the pressure on directors to have shorter film shoots, saying that "right now, television is the best that’s it ever been."
Two-time Oscar winner Dustin Hoffman criticized the current state of cinema, saying it’s at the lowest point it has been in the half a century that he has been working.“I think right now, television is the best that it's ever been, and I think it’s the worst that film has ever been — in the 50 years that I’ve been doing it, it’s the worst,” he said in an interview with U.K. newspaper The Independent.
Hoffman’s cinematic issues appear to stem from the increasing financial demands on directors to complete their films more quickly, pressures he says weren’t there when he first started out in the industry.
“It’s hard to believe you can do good work for the little amount of money these days,” he said. “We did The Graduate and that film still sustains. It had a wonderful script that they spent three years on, and an exceptional director with an exceptional cast and crew, but it was a small movie, four walls and actors, and yet it was 100 days of shooting.”
Having made his directorial debut in 2012 with Quartet, the British comedy-drama starring Maggie Smith and Billy Connelly, Hoffman added that he hadn’t yet found another project to sink his teeth into.
“I’m looking at everything that comes to me, I’m not getting much as far as directing is concerned,” he said. “I don’t think that has anything to do with whether you are good or not, it’s just about whether your films make money or not.”
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