What Inspires Me: Flawed People And Underdogs

by Shane Snow CCO of Contently
I don't like Superman. He can't lose. Whenever I'm watching a Superman movie all I can think about is He's invincible. I'm not worried and I'm not impressed when he inevitably wins. To me, that's not inspiring.
The fact that you're able to read this — and I'm able to write it — on a computer with Internet means we've all hit humanity's jackpot in some regard. We're literate. We live in a time where technology has improved the quality of life dramatically over any other period in history. And we can afford to instantly access the greatest trove of information that ever was.
At a high level, we're all outrageously lucky. But despite our great fortune, we're all unlucky at times. We've all got problems.
Personally, I'm inspired by people who overcome bad fortune or circumstance to fulfill their dreams. Professionally, I'm inspired by people and businesses that do incredible things despite glaring flaws or environmental disadvantages.

These people remind me that, despite the things I complain about (setbacks, bills, stress, whatever) and what I consider personal setbacks (growing up relatively poor in a small town, mywife becoming mentally ill, being 5'9" not 6'2" (as superficial as that sounds), infuriating neuroses, etc.), someone else has had things worse and still became massively successful.
That's why I like flawed people and underdogs. They can't just work hard to overcome their obstacles, they have to work hard and smart. And that leads to amazing things.
None of us are Superman, and that's ok. Batman had his demons, and he was mortal. And he became awesome. Here are some of my favorite flawed people and underdogs who inspire me in my work as a journalist and entrepreneur:
If you want to be inspired that you can overcome your problems, just look at this list of incredible people who have Major Depressive Disorder.
Say what you like about their personal lives or politics or mistakes, people like the above remind me that when life gives you lemons, you can stuff them in your pockets (with help, if necessary), get back out there, and change the world.

What flawed people or underdogs inspire you?

What helps you overcome your setbacks?

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