Earlier this year, Hollywood and the media tag teamed to boost the box office fortunes of "Bully."

Celebrities Tweeted their approval of the new film while others actively promoted it via media appearances. The film's battle to reduce its R rating to PG:13 became the media's mission for weeks on end.

Despite their efforts, the film made $3.5 million, a respectable score for any documentary feature but hardly commensurate with its PR blitzkrieg.

"2016: Obama's America" took a far different path to movie theaters. The documentary, a scathing critique of President Barack Obama and his early influences, got precious little press, and most film critics ignored it as long as they could.

This weekend, "2016" became the second biggest documentary in movie history by box office standards.

2016 Obama’s America grossed $26.2M by end of today (give or take some bucks) and passed 4 of Michael Moore’s five political documentaries to become the #2 all-time biggest. Only Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11, his highly critical examination of the first term of President George W Bush, retains the #1 position with $119.1M.

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